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Return a ggplot2::ggplot object with plots of one or more distributions.


  subset = NULL,
  show_mask = TRUE,
  show_dynamic_mask = FALSE,
  limits = NULL,
  dynamic_scale = FALSE,
  coast_linewidth = 0.25,
  coast_color = gray(0.5),
  gradient_colors = NULL,
  active_cell_color = rgb(1, 1, 1, 0.3),
  inactive_cell_color = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2),
  title = species(bf),
  value_label = "Density",
  transform = "identity"



A vector or matrix with distribution values corresponding to active cells in bf.


A BirdFlow object.


Defines an optional subset of distr that should be plotted. Use either column numbers, column names, or a logical vector.


If TRUE (the default) the static mask that indicates which cells are active in the model at any timestep will be shown.


Defaults to FALSE. Set to TRUE to visualize the dynamic mask. This is achieved by overwriting cells that are dynamically masked with NA. For show_dynamic_mask = TRUE to work the column names in distr should all be in colnames(get_distr(bf)). This is true for distributions returned by predict() and get_distr().


The range of density values to map gradient_colors to. The default is the range of the values in distr after applying subset. If you want to standardize the range across multiple models of a single species you might want to set to c(0, max) where max is the maximum observed value across all models. Alternatively if the range is highly variable among the columns in distr as when density spreads out from a single point in the results of predict(bf) you may want to set this smaller than the full range in which case the values will be truncated to the limits (see examples).


Set to TRUE to have the range of the data in each distribution mapped to the full color gradient. This allows visualizing the full range of values within each timestep optimally at the cost of consistency in the color scale among the facets - or animation frames if using animate_distr().


The line width to use when plotting the coast. Default is 0.25. If NULL the coast will not be plotted.


The color to use for plotting the coastline. If NULL the coast will not be plotted.


A color gradient that will be used to plot the density values. Leave or set to NULL for the default of ebirdst::abundance_palette(10, season = "weekly").


The background color for active cells in the landscape. Only used if show_mask is TRUE. These cells will only be visible if there are NA values in distr or if show_dynamic_mask is TRUE.


The color to use for inactive cells in the landscape. These are cells that are always masked. Only relevant when show_mask = TRUE.


The title for the plot. It defaults to the common name of the species (species(bf)).


The label used for the values in the distribution. Defaults to "Density"


A transformation to apply to the color scaling. Recommended "identity", and "sqrt". If "log" is used zeros will be replaced with 1/2 the smallest non-zero value prior to transforming. mapping to the color gradient. Legend will still reflect the original values. Passed to ggplot2::scale_color_gradientn().


ggplot2::ggplot() object. Use print() to render it.



BirdFlow objects have both a mask and a dynamic mask. For any given timestep the model only covers cells that aren't excluded by either of these masks.

  • mask The static mask, AKA "mask", indicates which cells in the raster extent are included in the model at any timestep these are also called active cells (e.g. n_active()). The number of elements in a distribution always match the number of unmasked cells in the (static) mask. Cells are masked if they always have zero abundance in the Bird S&T data for every week of the year.

  • dynamic mask The dynamic mask indicates which of the cells not excluded by the static mask are modeled within each timestep. It,like distributions, only has values for active cells. Thus the dimensions of objects returned by get_dynamic_mask(bf) and get get_distr(bf) will be identical. The purpose of the dynamic mask is to improve efficiency of fitting, storing, and using BirdFlow models by eliminating unlikely locations in the model. The dynamic mask includes cells that have a zero in the eBird S&T abundance for the associated week.

To display both masks set show_dynamic_mask to TRUE and leave show_mask at it's default (TRUE). Showing the dynamic mask relies on matching the columns names of the distribution to timesteps in the model so requires that the column names match the column names in get_distr().


Plot subtitles will be derived from the column names in distr. It may be useful to define single distributions as a one column matrix so that the label information is there. For example if d is a distribution in a matrix with multiple columns use drop=FALSE while subsetting, plot_distr(d[, 1, drop = FALSE], bf); and to add a label to a vector distribution use d <- matrix(d, ncol = 1); colnames(d) <- "new label"

See also


bf <- BirdFlowModels::amewoo
p <- plot_distr(get_distr(bf, c(1,11, 21)), bf, show_dynamic_mask = TRUE)