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Animate synthetic routes produced by route() and route_migration(), producing a dynamic version of plot_routes().


animate_routes(routes, bf, ...)



The output of route() or a similarly structured data frame.


A BirdFlow object


Arguments passed on to plot_routes


If TRUE then use ggplot2::facet_wrap() to show each route out into a separate subplot.


Used to scale the stay length dots. If NULL (the default) it will be set to the maximum "stay_len" value in routes. Set it manually to keep the dot scaling consistent across multiple plots.


If TRUE a color scale that uses blues, greens, yellows, reds, for winter, spring, summer, and fall will be used with a consistent mapping of dates to colors regardless of the range of dates plotted. If FALSE then the data will be plotted using the full color scale.


The color palette to use for plotting when use_seasonal_cols is FALSE. Defaults to viridisLite::viridis(n = 5).


The height of the color gradient legend bar. Passed to ggplot2::guide_colorbar() as barheight argument. Depending on the output resolution and plot size this may need to be adjusted. Can take a number or the output from ggplot2::unit().


Line width used for routes.


Line width used for coastlines.


Two numbers indicating the smallest and largest dot sizes used to represent stay length.


A gganim object. print() will plot it with default options, or use animate() to set the options. See the example for recommended settings.


Note when rendering early frames (at a minimum the first) there will only one point per route, resulting in a message: "geom_path(): Each group consists of only one observation. ℹ Do you need to adjust the group aesthetic?" This will possibly be repeated while individuals remain in one location. It can be safely ignored. The error is thrown while rendering and not from within animate_routes() where it could not be suppressed."


bf <- BirdFlowModels::amewoo
rts <- route(bf, 10,  season = "prebreeding")
anim <- animate_routes(rts, bf)

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  # example render
  timesteps <- unique(rts$timestep)
  gif <- gganimate::animate(anim,
                            device = "ragg_png", # is fast and pretty
                            width = 7, height = 6,
                            res = 150, units = "in",
                            nframes = length(timesteps) * 4, fps = 8)

  # Display

  # Save
  gif_file <- tempfile("animation", fileext = ".gif")
  gganimate::save_animation(gif, gif_file)
  file.remove(gif_file) # cleanup
} # }