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Plot routes as lines with color indicating the passage of time and dot size indicating the length of stay at each stop.


  facet = FALSE,
  max_stay_len = NULL,
  use_seasonal_colors = TRUE,
  pal = NULL,
  barheight = 8,
  route_linewidth = 0.85,
  dot_sizes = c(1.1, 3.5),
  coast_linewidth = 0.25

# S3 method for class 'BirdFlowRoutes'
plot(x, ...)



The output of route() or a similarly structured data frame.

bf, x

A BirdFlow object.


If TRUE then use ggplot2::facet_wrap() to show each route out into a separate subplot.


Used to scale the stay length dots. If NULL (the default) it will be set to the maximum "stay_len" value in routes. Set it manually to keep the dot scaling consistent across multiple plots.


If TRUE a color scale that uses blues, greens, yellows, reds, for winter, spring, summer, and fall will be used with a consistent mapping of dates to colors regardless of the range of dates plotted. If FALSE then the data will be plotted using the full color scale.


The color palette to use for plotting when use_seasonal_cols is FALSE. Defaults to viridisLite::viridis(n = 5).


The height of the color gradient legend bar. Passed to ggplot2::guide_colorbar() as barheight argument. Depending on the output resolution and plot size this may need to be adjusted. Can take a number or the output from ggplot2::unit().


Line width used for routes.


Two numbers indicating the smallest and largest dot sizes used to represent stay length.


Line width used for coastlines.


Passed to plot_routes()


A ggplot object. Use print() to display it.


plot.BirdFlowRoutes() calls plot_routes().

As of 6/13/2023 route() returns an object of class BirdFlowRoutes that is a data frame with some extra attributes tacked on.

That route() returns a data frame like object that contains the data formerly in the points component with columns as described here is, I think finalized.

However, whether we keep it an S3 class and whether we keep the extra attributes is experimental. If you want to be defensive and not use the experimental aspects then call to convert to a standard data.frame.


bf <- BirdFlowModels::amewoo
n <- 10
rts <- route(bf, n, season = "prebreeding")

# Multiple routes on one plot
plot_routes(rts, bf)

# One panel per route
plot_routes(rts[rts$route_id %in% 1:4, ], bf, facet = TRUE)

# Returned plot object can be edited
# Here we change the title and add an additional sf
# layer with country boundaries
p <- plot_routes(rts, bf) +
 ggtitle(paste0(species(bf), " (with countries)")) +
 geom_sf(data = get_countries(bf),  inherit.aes = FALSE,  fill = NA) +
 coord_sf(expand = FALSE)
#> Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will
#> replace the existing one.

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Use alternate color palettes
plot_routes(rts, bf,  use_seasonal_colors = FALSE )

plot_routes(rts, bf, use_seasonal_colors = FALSE,
            pal = c("red", "yellow", "blue"))
} # }