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These are convenience wrappers to rnaturalearth functions. They retrieve, crop, format, and project Natural Earth data to facilitate plotting with BirdFlow and other spatial objects. The output is the desired data in the same coordinate reference system (CRS) and extent as x.


  scale = "medium",
  buffer = 15,
  keep_attributes = FALSE,
  keep_buffer = FALSE,
  force_old_method = FALSE,

  scale = "medium",
  buffer = 15,
  keep_attributes = FALSE,
  keep_buffer = FALSE

  scale = "medium",
  buffer = 15,
  keep_attributes = FALSE,
  keep_buffer = FALSE

  scale = "medium",
  buffer = 15,
  keep_attributes = FALSE,
  keep_buffer = FALSE



A BirdFlow, terra::SpatRaster, sf::sf, or any other object on which you can call terra::ext() and terra::crs().


The type of data to retrieve. One of "coastline", "country", or "states" for data included in rnaturalearth; or any value accepted by ne_download().


The scale of data to return. Ignored if type is "states", otherwise passed to one of ne_download(). ne_coastline(), or ne_countries(). Valid values are 110, 50, 10, 'small', 'medium', and 'large'.


A buffer in degrees (latitude and longitude) to add to the extent of x prior to cropping the Natural Earth data in WGS84. This is needed so that after transformation to the CRS of x the data cover all of the extent of x.


If FALSE, the default, attribute columns are dropped to facilitate clean plotting.


If retrieving states with get_states() or get_naturalearth(type = "states") this is used to select a country. If omitted, states from all countries are returned.


If FALSE, the default, after transforming the Natural Earth data it will cropped to the precise extent of x. Set to TRUE to keep the buffer - useful when overlaying Natural Earth data on an existing base R plot.


This is for internal testing. The default should be best for all other uses. If TRUE use the back transformed bounding box method even if the projection is covered by the "new" cut at seam method.


Other arguments to be passed to ne_download(). Possibly you will want to use category = "physical".


sf object with Natural Earth data in the same CRS as x.


get_naturalearth() does all the work and is called by the other functions. There are two distinct calculation methods.

  1. For Mollweide, Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area, Albers Equal Area, and Lambert Conformal Conic projections cut at the seam:

    • Find the longitude of projection center ("lon_0" in proj4 string) and from it determine longitude of the seam.

    • Clip a narrow (1 m) strip out of the Natural Earth data before transforming (in WGS84) at the seam.

    • Transform to the CRS of x. This is now an artifact free object containing the global data set minus a narrow strip at the seam.

    • Crop in destination to the extent of x, or if keep_buffer = TRUE, the extent plus the approximate equivalent of buffer.

    This should work well for any extent (including global) in any CRS that is based on the covered projections.

  2. For all other projections back transform the bounding box and clip:

    • Convert the corners of the bounds of x object to WGS84.

    • adds a buffer (buffer) to the converted corners this is important to guarantee that we still cover the extent after we transform.

    • Check to see if the bounds wrap the seam (180 deg meridian) and break the bounding box into two if it does.

    • Crop to the bounding box or boxes.

    • Project each cropped section to x's CRS.

    • Combine the pieces into one object.

    • If keep_buffer = FALSE crop to the exact extent of x.

    These steps will usually prevent artifacts caused when polygons or lines are shifted across the bounds of the CRS. However, it does not work for all extents in all projections and in particular is unlikely to work with polar projections and with extents that cover the entire globe.

    In some cases where this fails setting the buffer to zero may be an easy solution.

    There are many more projections where method 1 or a variant on it would work. We may eventually cover more of those projections with the first method.

    If you encounter a use case that doesn't work you may submit an issue; please include the output from crs(x) and ext(x).

get_states() requires rnaturalearthhires. Install with:
install.packages("devtools") # if you don't have it already devtools::install_github("ropensci/rnaturalearthhires")


 bf <- BirdFlowModels::amewoo
 coast <- get_coastline(bf)

 if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 plot(rast(bf, 1))
 plot(coast, add = TRUE)   } # }