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get_distr will return one or more distributions in their flattened form. A single distribution will be returned as a vector; if multiple they will be columns in a matrix.


get_distr(x, which = "all", from_marginals = FALSE)



A BirdFlow model


Indicates which timesteps to return. Can be one or more integers indicating timesteps; character dates in the format year-month-day e.g. "2019-02-25"; Date objects; or "all" which will return distributions for all timesteps.


If TRUE and x has marginals the distribution will be from the marginals even if x also has distributions.


Either a vector with a distribution for a single timestep or a matrix with a column for each distribution.


If the BirdFlow object has stored distributions they will be the training distributions and will be returned by default unless from_marginals = TRUE in which case distributions calculated from the marginal will be returned.

The training distributions and the distributions calculated from the marginal are very similar.

See also

Distributions can be passed to predict() or converted to rasters with expand_distr() or converted to SpatRaster with rasterize_distr(). sample_distr() will convert one cell to 1 and the rest to 0 probabilistically based on the densities in the distribution.