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Probabilistically sample one or more locations from a set of distributions.


sample_distr(distr, n = 1, bf, format = "distr")



A vector representing a single distribution; a matrix representing one distribution per column, or (unlikely) an array in which the first dimension represents locations. The values in distr are treated as the relative probability of the species being in each position.


Only used if distr is a vector representing a single model state, in which case that model state will be sampled n times to generate a matrix representing n sampled locations from that distribution.


A BirdFlow object, required if format is "latlon" or "xy", optional otherwise.


One of "distr" (the default), "xy", "latlon, or "i" indicating what format the sample should be returned in.


One or more location samples from the distributions in distr the format changes with the value offormat:


Default. Return an object with the same dimensions as distr in which all the weight in each distribution in distr is assigned to a single location containing a 1 and remaining locations have 0's.


x and y coordinates of locations, usually as data frame but with 3D input it will be an array.


Return latitude (lat) and longitude (lon) coordinates in WGS 1984 for the sampled locations, usually as a data frame but with 3D input it will be an array.


Return location index for the sampled locations.


bf <- BirdFlowModels::amewoo
d <- get_distr(bf, 5)

# default format "distr" returns an object similar to the input
# in which all the weight for each distribution has been concentrated
# in a single location
one_hot <- sample_distr(d)
all(one_hot %in% c(0, 1))
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] 1

# Sample 10 times from a single distribution and return x and y coordinates.
xy <- sample_distr(d,  10, format = "xy", bf = bf)