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Shrink BirdFlow extent





A single BirdFlow object, or one or more paths to BirdFlow objects stored as either hdf5 or rds files.


If x is an extended BirdFlow model, see extend_birdflow()thanshrink_birdflow()` returns the same model with its original extent.

If x is the path to one or more BirdFlow models than those files are shrunk to their original extent and a logical vector of the same length is returned with TRUE for success.


bf <- BirdFlowModels::amewoo

# Define extended extent for example
e <-  ext(bf)
buffer <- 3 * res(bf)
e[1] <- e[1] - buffer[1]
e[2] <- e[2] + buffer[1]
e[3] <- e[3] - buffer[2]
e[4] <- e[4] + buffer[2]

bf2 <- extend_birdflow(bf, e)

bf3 <- shrink_birdflow(bf2)

# Compare extents
data.frame(item = names(as.vector(ext(bf))),
            initial = as.vector(ext(bf)),
            extended = as.vector(ext(bf2)),
            shrunk = as.vector(ext(bf3)))
#>      item  initial extended   shrunk
#> xmin xmin -2550000 -3000000 -2550000
#> xmax xmax  2100000  2550000  2100000
#> ymin ymin -1650000 -2100000 -1650000
#> ymax ymax  1650000  2100000  1650000

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Plot
plot_distr(get_distr(bf, 1), bf)
plot_distr(get_distr(bf2, 1), bf2)
plot_distr(get_distr(bf3, 1), bf3)
  } # }