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export_birdflow() saves a BirdFlow object to an HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version 5)

import_birdflow() imports a BirdFlow model from an HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version 5) file.


export_birdflow(bf, file = NULL, format = "hdf5", overwrite = TRUE)

import_birdflow(hdf5, ..., version)



A BirdFlow model


The file name to write. If not supplied or if the path is to a directory the file name will default to "<species code>_<ebirdst year>_<resolution in (km)>.


The format to export either "hdf5" or "rds".


The default TRUE will delete a preexisting file and then write a new one in it's place. if FALSE, export_birdflow() will throw an error if file already exists.


Path to an HDF5 file containing a fitted BirdFlow model.


Deprecated, arguments to be passed to a version specific internal functions.


(optional) force reading of BirdFlow models as a particular version. Normally, this will be determined from metadata in the HDF5 file.


export_birdflow() writes a file and invisibly returns TRUE

if successful.

import_birdflow() returns a BirdFlow object.


The standard workflow for generating a fitted BirdFlow model is:

  1. Use preprocess_species() to download and format eBird data into an HDF5 file (this calls export_birdflow() internally).

  2. Fit the model and add marginals and hyperparameters to the HDF5 file with BirdFlowPy

  3. Import the model with import_birdflow().

  4. Save the model to a new file either with:

    • saveRDS() to a .rds file, or

    • export_birdflow() to a new .hdf5 file.

During the first import after fitting with BirdFlowPy import_birdflow() does a fair amount of renaming and reformatting of the data - for example it renames the marginals and adds a marginal index. If the resulting BirdFlow model is exported again with export_birdflow() these updates are retained, so the internal structure of the HDF5 file will be different. import_birdflow() can handle either format.

HDF5 file version

The HDF5 BirdFlow model files have an internal version number that is incremented on major changes to the HDF5 file structure. The file version is retained in the imported object.

  • Version 1 predates BirdFlowR preprocessing and only contains marginals and a few other python objects, importing it requires having an associated TIFF file that has the extent and distribution data. The version number (1) is kept in "/version" within the HDF5 file.

  • Version 2 is the first version that includes preprocessing in BirdFlowR. It does not include dynamic masking. The version number (2) is stored in "/metadata/birdflow_version". Some version 2 files include hyper parameters in the HDF5 but these are not read into R.

  • Version 3 marks the transition to dynamic masking, the HDF5 created during preprocessing gained "/geom/dynamic_mask" and "/distances" (great circle distance matrix). As in version 2 the version is stored in "/metadata/birdflow_version" but unlike previous versions the R package version that did the preprocessing is saved in character format to "/metdata/birdflowr_version". When version 3 files are imported into R with model fits the hyperparameters are saved to $metadata$hyperparameters (a list).

See also

  • sparsify() to reduce the object size after importing.

  • build_transitions() to add transition matrices for quicker processing at the cost of larger file sizes.

  • export_rasters() to save the distributions and mask from a BirdFlow model to raster files.