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This function exports the distributions and/or dynamic masks from a BirdFlow object to raster files (TIFF, PNG).


  crs = NULL,
  multiband = !singleband,
  singleband = TRUE,
  what = c("distr", "mask"),
  filetype = "GTiff",
  as_integer = NULL,
  factor = NULL,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  mb_file = "<code>_<what>.<ext>",
  sb_file = "<code>_<what>_<p_ts>.<ext>"



A BirdFlow object


The directory where output should be stored. Can include aliases; see mb_file,sb_file below.


The coordinate reference system to use in the output files, defaults to crs(bf)


If TRUE export a multiband file. Will be forced to FALSE if the filetype doesn't support multiband rasters.


If TRUE export separate files for each week in the model. Will be forced to TRUE


Either "distr", "mask" or both as a two element vector. what controls what components of bf are exported.


The file type to export: "GTiff" for GeoTIFF files, or "PNG" for Portable Network Graphics.


Should the data be written as integers. With the default, NULL, integers will be written for the PNG file type as they don't support real numbers and with GeoTIFFs floating point numbers will be written.


To create integer output (as_integer = TRUE) the floating point distributions will be multiplied by this number prior to output. If factor is NULL (the default) then the factor will be x / the maximum value in any distribution in bf, where x is 255 for PNG filetypes and 1000 for GTiff. Thus the maximum integer value will be 255 for PNG files, and 1000 for GeoTIFF files.


Should pre-existing files be overwritten with new output.

mb_file, sb_file,

The multi-band and single-band file name templates. They control where files are written. Possible aliases are:

  • <ext> the file extension, required at end of template.

  • <code> the species code.

  • <common> the species common name, spaces will be replaced with "_"

  • <scientific> the scientific name, spaces will be replaced with "_"

  • <ts> timestep (without padding)

  • <p_ts> padded timestep e.g. "03"

  • <date> date in format year-month-day e.g. "2024-03-14"

  • <what> will be one of "distr" or "mask" can be omitted if only one is to be output. See what argument above.

The two metadata files (CRS, extent) are written using the multi-band template with <what> set to "crs" and "extent", unless <what> isn't in the file name in which case "_crs" and "_extent" will be inserted prior to the extension.

sb_file must include one of <ts>, <p_ts> or <date>.

The aliases above may be used in dir as well.


Nothing is returned, but raster files are written to dir


This replaces and extends the old behavior of preprocess_species() which allowed exporting TIFF files of the distributions while preprocessing.

Files are written via terra::writeRaster but the data is manipulated prior to export, in particular if as_integer is TRUE or if the filetype only supports integers than the distribution data which is normally between 0 and 1 is stretched and then converted to integer. The amount of stretching can be controlled with factor. as_integer will be set automatically to TRUE for formats that only export integers (PGN) and multiband and singleband will be set to FALSE and TRUE respectively for formats that only support single band output (PNG). If the filetype supports multiband files than it is possible to export both multiband and single band by setting both arguments to TRUE.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  bf <- load_model("amewoo_prebreeding")
  dir <- tempdir()
  crs <-"EPSG:4326"
  export_tifs(bf, dir = dir, singleband = TRUE, crs = crs)
  export_tifs(bf, dir = dir, singleband = TRUE, crs = crs, filetype = "PNG")

} # }