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This function aligns bird movement data that has both location and date information with a BirdFlow model's cells and timesteps. Optionally,it will aggregate multiple points from a track within the same week into a single point and date prior to determining the location ID.


  x_col = "lon",
  y_col = "lat",
  date_col = "date",
  id_cols = "id",
  crs = "EPSG:4326",
  aggregate = NULL



A data frame with bird movement data it must have the columns specified by x_col, y_col, date_col, and id_cols. The default values for the first three are "lon", "lat", and"date".


A BirdFlow model


The name of the column that holds x or longitude coordinates. Default is "lon".


The name of the y or latitude column, default is "lat".


Name of the date column, defaults to "date"


The name of identification columns. One or more columns that collectively define a unique track. If aggregate is not NULL these along with timestep (calculated from the date_col) are used to define the groups. If aggregate is NULL these columns are not used but are retained in the output.


The coordinate reference system used by x_col and y_col. The default "EPSG:4326" corresponds to WGS 1984


Leave the default NULL for no aggregation - each row in d is processed separately and represented in the returned object. If aggregate is set to one of the values below then the locations (rows) in d that fall in the same week and track (see id_cols) will be aggregated together such that there is only one location per week for each track.

The possible values for aggregate are:

  • mean The mean of the "x", "y", and "date" columns are used for the week.

  • median The median of the "x", "y", and "date" columns are used for the week.

  • midweek The observation that is closest to the middle of the week is used to represent the week. With ties the observation that occurs first is used.

Pending ideas, not yet implemented:

  • gmedian geometric median

  • central The point closest to the centroid of all the points is used to represent the week.


A data frame with columns


The columns identified with id_cols will be retained and be leftmost.


This column will have information from date_col but not retain its name or original formatting. If aggregate is NULL the input dates will be retained, if not the date will vary with the aggregation method but will represent the dates that went into the summary and not the mid-week date associated with timestep. For example with aggregate = "mean" the date will be the average date of the points in the week.


The model timestep associated with date.

x, y

The x and y coordinates of the point. These will always be in crs(bf) and will represent the original or aggregated location and not the cell center.


The location index of the cell associated with the x and y in bf. See i_to_xy().


The number of rows in d that contributed to each output row. If aggregate is NULL every value will be 1.


TRUE if there was an error.


NA or the error message. The possible messages are:

  • "err_date" - The date could not be parsed with lubridate::as_date()

  • "err_truncated" - bf is truncated and the date falls outside of portion of the year the model covers.

  • "err_coords" - The coordinates could not be transformed into crs(bf) and thus likely are corrupt in some way.

  • "err_not_active" - the location does not fall within an active cell as defined by the static mask.

  • "err_dynamic" - the location does not fall within the dynamic mask on the associated date.

  • "err_sparse" - the location falls within the dynamic mask but that location and date combination has been eliminated by sparsification.

The function will always return the error message that appears first on this list, even though in some cases multiple errors can be triggered.

With aggregation the first three errors prevent a row from being used and it will be dropped prior to aggregation with a warning.


If aggregate is NULL than than each row in the output will correspond with the same row in the input. With aggregation rows can be lost in two ways (1) if the coordinates or timestep can't be resolved (first three errors on list) then the row is dropped prior to aggregation. (2) via aggregation all the rows within a week for a track will be collapsed to one. These aggregated locations can still trigger the other three errors on the list.

A location id will only be assigned if the location is a valid location for the model on the associated date.


bf <- BirdFlowModels::rewbla |> add_dynamic_mask()
obs <- BirdFlowModels::rewbla_observations
a <- snap_to_birdflow(obs, bf, id_cols = "bird_id")