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This function calculates a square, distance matrix with n_active() cells on each side. Each cell represents the distance between its row index and column index treated as locations in the state space; e.g. The cell [3, 8] represents the distance between locations 3 and 8 in the state space vector.





a BirdFlow object


a n x n matrix containing pairwise distances in kilometers between every active cell in the BirdFlow object.


# Calculate great circle distance matrix
bf <- BirdFlowModels::rewbla
gs <- great_circle_distances(bf)

# The above is all you need to use the function.
# The rest of this is an exercise to visualize the error in CRS distances

# Compare to euclidean distances in projected CRS space
i <- seq_len(n_active(bf))
xy <-, bf))
eu <- as.matrix(dist(xy)) / 1000  # euclidean in CRS (km)

error_prop <- abs(gs - eu) / gs
error_prop[is.nan(error_prop)] <- 0

mean_error <- apply(error_prop, 1, mean) # mean error for cell
max_error <-  apply(error_prop, 1, max)  # max error for cell

# Calculate maximum error lines for each cell
mel <- data.frame(i1 = 1:n_active(bf), i2 = apply(error_prop, 1, which.max))
xs <- t(cbind(i_to_x(mel$i1, bf), i_to_x(mel$i2, bf)))
ys <- t(cbind(i_to_y(mel$i1, bf), i_to_y(mel$i2, bf)))

# Plot maximum error for each cell and a line to the cell where the distance
# had that error.
plot(rasterize_distr(as.numeric(max_error), bf))
title(main = "Max proportional error")
matlines(xs, ys, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, .25), lty = 1, lwd = 1)
mtext(paste0("lines connect cells to the cell which have greatest",
" proportional error in distance"), line = 0, cex = 0.7)