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Internal function to determine the resolution to use when creating a BirdFlow model. It is called by preprocess_species() and nowhere else, but is complicated enough to justify being it's own function.





The species path used with ebirdst to download and load data


The target resolution of the BirdFlow model in kilometers. If res is NULL (default) then a resolution that results in less than max_params parameters will be used, while also minimizing the resolution and limiting the number of significant digits.


The maximum number of fitted parameters that the BirdFlow model should contain. Ignored if res is not NULL. Otherwise a resolution will be chosen that yields this many fitted parameters. See gpu_ram for the default way of setting max_params and res. Note: the reduction in parameters resulting from truncation (see ...) is not factored into the calculation.


Gigabytes of ram on GPU machine that will fit the models. If res is NULL and max_params is NULL this is used to estimate max_paramswhich is, in turn, used to determine the resolution. Ignored if either res or max_params is set.


A polygon or the path to a file containing a polygon. It must have a CRS and should either be a SpatVector() object or produce one when called with vect(clip)


Coordinate reference system (CRS) to use. Defaults to the custom projection eBird has assigned to this species - see ebirdst::load_fac_map_parameters()). It will be interpreted by terra::crs() to generate a well known text representation of the CRS.


The species code used with ebirdst this might be "example_data" or "yebsap-example" but otherwise will be a real species code.


This is the method used to reproject it is a local variable set within preprocess_species.


The resolution in km either as set directly by the user or as derived from max_params or gpu_ram.


When the user specifies a resolution that is the resolution used when creating the model.

If the res argument is NULL the heuristic here attempts to set a from the gpu_ram parameter which specifies the the GB of ram available on the machine used to fit the models.

It turned out to be really hard to anticipate how many cells would contain data after a resolution change. The code estimates by calculating the area of the non-zero cells in the current resolution and then figures out the resolution where the number of cells required to cover that area matches our target number of parameters.

However, it's a poor estimate because it ignores the fact that coarse cells along the edges overlap fine cells that contain a mix of no data and data. reduce the bias.

Next it resamples to the estimated resolution, evaluates the new number of non-zero cells (and thus parameters), and makes a new estimate, repeating the process until the realized number of parameters from the resolution converges on 90 to 100 % of the target. This results in a fairly precise maximum resolution that can be fit given the number of parameters.

The last step is to round up (reducing parameters) to a cleaner number.