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calc_flux() estimates the proportion of the species that passes near a set of points during each transition in a BirdFlow model.


  points = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  n_directions = 1,
  format = NULL,
  batch_size = 5e+05,
  check_radius = TRUE,
  weighted = FALSE



A BirdFlow model


A set of points to calculate movement through. If points is NULL they will default to the BirdFlow model cells that are either active or fall between two active cells. Otherwise a data frame with x and y columns containing point coordinates in crs(bf).


The radius in meters around the points used to assess whether a movement line passes by (or through) the point. If a point is farther than radius from a great circle line between two cells centers then it is not between them.


The number of directional bins to use for recording movement direction. Must be either 1 indicating no direction information or an even number. This is a placeholder, currently only 1 is supported.


The format to return the results in one of:


Returns a list with flux a matrix or array of flux values, and points a data frame of either the input points or the default cell center derived points.


Returns a "long" data frame with columns:

  • x and y coordinates of the points.

  • transition Transition code.

  • flux The flux at the point. See "Units" below .

  • date The date associated with the transition, will be at the midpoint between timesteps.


Returns a terra::SpatRaster with layers for each transition.


controls the number of movement lines that are processed at a time. A smaller batch_size will conserve memory at a slight performance cost. The number of batches will be less than or equal to n_active(bf)^2 / batch_size.


If TRUE an error will be thrown if the radius is not between the resolution and 1/4 the resolution of bf. Outside of that range the algorithm is likely to yield distorted results. 0.5 * mean(res(bf)) is the default, and recommended radius.


If FALSE use the original and quicker version of flux that sums all the marginal probability for transitions that pass within a fixed distance of the point. If TRUE assign a weight to the point and transition combo that then is multiplied by the marginal probability before summing. This argument is experimental but the default value is identical to the old version. The argument name and behaviour when set to TRUE may change.


See format argument.


The total relative abundance passing through the circle centered on the point is divided by the diameter of the circle in kilometers. The units of the returned value is therefore roughly the proportion (\(P\)) of the species's population that is expected to pass through each km of a line oriented perpendicular to the movement at each point: \(\frac{P}{km \cdot week}\)

Multiplying the result by the total population would yield: \(\frac{birds}{km \cdot week}\)


calc_flux() makes the incorrect simplifying assumption that birds follow the shortest (great circle) path between the center of the the source and destination raster cells. Caution should be used when interpreting the results especially around major geographic features such as coasts, large lakes, mountain ranges, and ecological system boundaries that might result in non-linear migration paths.

calc_flux() assumes that a line passes by a point if any part of the line is within the radius of the point. This assumption breaks down if the radius is much larger than the movement lengths as points that are ahead of the line may still be within a radius of the line. In the extreme a large enough radius on a point outside of the entire range will capture all the movement. This isn't a problem with the default points and radius as the points ahead of the line will never be within the radius.

The default points for calc_flux() are aligned with the cell centers as are the movement lines. This alignment means that a very small radius will result in an overestimate of flux. The default value of half the cell size is sufficient for this not to be a problem, as we are capturing and standardizing the units based on the entire cell area that that point represents.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
bf <- BirdFlowModels::amewoo
flux <- calc_flux(bf)

plot_flux(flux, bf)

animate_flux(flux, bf)
} # }