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Methods to convert raster or point data to distributions. Each layer of a raster will be treated as a distribution. With point data each point will be treated as a "one hot" distribution containing mostly 0 and a single 1 at the location corresponding to the point.


as_distr(x, bf, ...)

# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
as_distr(x, bf, crs = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for class 'SpatRaster'
as_distr(x, bf, normalize = TRUE, zero_na = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'sf'
as_distr(x, bf, ...)



An object to be converted either a data.frame with x and y columns indicating point locations, a sf object containing points, or a raster object containing values to be treated as a distribution.


A reference BirdFlow object.


Arguments used by other methods:


The coordinate reference system that the x and y coordinates are in. If NULL the function will assume coordinates are in the same CRS as bf.


if TRUE normalize each distribution to sum to 1


if TRUE replace NA values with 0.


An object containing distribution data to be projected with x. Either a vector with n_active(bf) values or a matrix with that many rows and a column for each distribution.


If x is a data.frame it should have columns x and y containing the coordinates of points. crs should indicate the coordinate reference system the points are in - only necessary if it differs from crs(bf).

If x is either an sf object or a data frame it should represent points. Each point will be converted into a separate distribution with the cell corresponding to the point having a value of 1 with the remaining values set to 0.

If x is a terra::SpatRaster() it will be projected to align with the cells in bf with terra::project() using method = "average" and then cropped and/or extended to match the extent of bf. Warnings will be throw if some of the value in x is lost due to cropping or due to masking out the inactive cells.